
Why You Should Consider Using Swine Lighting

In this blog article, the author discusses the benefits of using swine lighting on pig farms. Along with not just increasing productivity but also improving animal welfare and lowering operational costs, you don’t have anything to lose by trying out this type of lighting.

Why should you consider using agricultural lighting on pig farms?

Agricultural lighting is a great way to improve the pig farming environment for operators. The benefits of using this type of lighting include better Pigmentation, Increased Feed Efficiency, and Higher Litter Production. When it comes to Pigmentation, Agricultural Lighting helps to create a more uniform appearance among pigs, which can lead to increased efficiency in feed consumption and litter production. Additionally, using proper light levels during gestation and lactation can help reduce stress on the animals and improve their reproductive output.

Pros of switching to agricultural lights

They are maintenance-free: LEDs do not require regular maintenance or replacement, which means that you will not have to spend time and money on these tasks.

One of the biggest benefits of using agricultural lighting is that it can help farmers overcome some of the challenges posed by pig farms. For example, many pig farmers find that traditional lighting is ineffective when it comes to illuminating areas near the pigs’ feed and water sources. With agricultural lighting, however, farmers can easily light up these areas so that pigs can easily find their food and water.

Another big advantage of using agricultural lights is that they are often more efficient than traditional lights. This means that they use fewer resources and create less pollution, which is important in environmentally-friendly farming practices.


If you are looking for ways to increase your production or to improve the overall health and welfare of your pigs, then you should consider using agricultural lighting from Hontech Wins in your pig farm. Not only will this help you to produce larger and more efficient pigs, but it will also improve the quality of their meat.

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